How to Handle ESG Pushback

By and Investment Executive

In many ways, we are in the golden age of ESG: regulators are cracking down, standards are being set and awareness is high. But over the past year, we've also seen poor returns for ESG strategies relative to their benchmarks, greenwashing revelations, institutions divesting from ESG strategies and companies reneging on ambitious sustainability claims. How should advisors view this pushback against ESG? How should they address concerns from clients? How should they adjust their due diligence to accommodate today's ESG environment? And how can they craft portfolios to meet evolving client expectations? 

In this virtual roundtable hosted by and Investment Executive, advisors will come away with an understanding of how to be attuned to greenwashing, how to critically evaluate ESG and how to respond to client questions about the merits and risks of ESG analysis. 

Sponsored by Desjardins, National Bank Investments, and Sun Life Global Investments, and thank you to our Industry Association Partner, Responsible Investment Association. 

How to Handle ESG Pushback

Accreditation Details

Accreditation body

FP Canada

Professional Responsibility


Product Knowledge


Practice Management


Financial Planning



Mutual Funds


Assurance de personnes


Courtage en épargne collective


General Subject


Group Insurance of Persons


Group Savings Plan Brokerage


Insurance of persons


Matières générales


CIRO Cycle 10

Professional Development




Course Type:


Passing Grade:

9/12 (75%)

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